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“Have You Been Under Any Stress?”

Shingles. Not something I ever even thought about having in my late thirties. I thought it a culprit that lay dormant in our bodies until later years.

I was wrong. I noticed it on Thanksgiving. My side began to itch and burn. I equated it to dry skin with the onset of cooler fall temperatures. A few days later my doctor confirmed it. Shingles. She asked, “Have you been under any stress?” 

I scoffed at that word. Stress. My father had just been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. We were walking with him through treatments, researching possible available clinical trials, and striving to set the passing of time to slow motion and savor every moment with him. 

It was a juggling act of striving to maintain the normalcy of daily life as a wife, mom, daughter and teacher. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of stress. Its waves lulled me to sleep at night and splashed me awake in the morning. 

Job was no stranger to stress. He was stripped of everything he owned including his family, wealth, and stature as a test of faithfulness to the Lord. His friends heard about his troubles and went to visit to show their concern. Upon arrival they sat by him for seven days in silent support (Job 2:11-13).

Silent support was followed by their arguments with Job claiming that he must have done something sinful, something wrong to have fallen into such destitute calamity. 

Job saw nothing but a life of suffering ahead (Job 30:27). But the Lord did not leave Job to suffer. He met him in his moment and spoke to Job through a storm. He reminded Job of the beauty of His creation and that everything upon it, beneath and above it are under His miraculous control. 

Job was faithful to the Lord while under duress. The Lord saw Job, and His unending love poured over him. Job was restored.

“And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.” Job 42:12 (ESV) 

Our days on this earth are filled with a myriad of trials: Illnesses. Arguments. Loss. Suffering. The stress that befriends trials can manifest in unexpected ways. 

We can walk confidently through trials knowing that God is with us. 
When the waves of stress threaten to clamp us in its undertow, may we be reminded that the Creator of the world, the One who commands all forces of nature is by our side. 

“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” Psalm 18:2 (ESV)

“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NIV)

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