The Power of One
I’m not going to lie, when my alarm sounded this morning three hours earlier than my body has become accustomed to waking after being on holiday break, my countenance didn’t exactly reflect a joyful disposition.
I ambled to the coffee pot, waited as the glorious slow stream of caffeinated elixir filled my favorite coffee mug, and settled in for my morning quiet time. I didn’t realize then that my reading would illuminate throughout the day via a series of connect-the-dots moments.
As I began preparing my classroom for the day, a parent entered and asked if she could pray over my classroom and the desks. I sat down realizing that this wasn’t an accidental moment. Worship music wafted from her phone and drifted about the room like a sweet aroma as she walked through praying blessings over every student, over my marriage and family, and for a binding of any presence of negativity in my classroom.
Inviting the Lord into all our moments unlocks our eternal resources to work on our behalf.
As her prayer came to a close, peace reverberated throughout the room. Gone was the concern of what today may bring. It was replaced with knowing that He is the God Who hears us! He hears us and knows our hearts whether we find ourselves in lament or praise.
In Genesis 18, we meet Hagar, destitute and heartbroken in the desert. Verse seven tells us that the Lord found her there. The use of that active verb gives us hope! He finds us. He seeks us. Hagar lamented her plight to the Lord and received His words of instruction, giving her a renewed spirit to face uncertain days.
“She gave a name to the Lord who spoke to her. She called him “You are the God who sees me.” That’s because she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”” Genesis 16:13 (NIRV)
I found renewed strength through the power of one today. One unexpected prayer. One unexpected moment of intercession on my behalf. One amazingly powerful God Who sees me, hears me, and for Whom nothing is unexpected.
One Comment
Bonnie Grossman
Praise the Lord for inspiration!