Blog Posts

The Current of Conviction

My daughter loves to bake. Last weekend, she wanted to bake a layer cake, but in favor of a less complicated option, we settled on butter cookies. We dance partied while mixing up the dough, and she got her first batch on the cookie sheet. 

I will have you know that I exhibited self control and did not try a single morsel of what I’m sure to have been delectable dough. 

I thought our baking escapade had come to an end for the day. 

“Mommy, can I take a risk?” she asked. 

She wanted to test whether or not M&M’s would melt like coating chocolate to drizzle on top of her cookies. I consented to the test, and she zipped back into the kitchen to let those candy shelled chocolates take a spin in the microwave. 

A few minutes later, she blasted into my bedroom hollering, “Smoke is rolling from the microwave!” as glassy eyes gave way to crocodile tears.

My husband and I found that to be true as we entered the kitchen. Smoke emitted out as if the M&M’s were screaming.

Have you ever smelled burned M&M’s? If not, let me save you the nasal trauma. It’s bad. The smell infiltrated every room. We opened windows to draft out the smell, but the pungent odor lingered. Flowing like a current throughout the house. 

The current of conviction is much the same. 

It lingers in our hearts. And as hard as we may try to ignore its presence or fling open the windows of our heart to promote its exit, it stays with us. 

The current has brought some realizations to me. 

The wall of pride must come down and fear must fall. 
Pridefulness can lead to a hardened heart and a veil of deceit that comes with thinking you’ve got it all figured out. 

Fear hinders every fiber of my being. It shuts me down and leads to self deprecating thoughts of unworthiness that are nothing more than lies that the enemy would love for me to believe. 

If we aren’t conscience of these things, they will rob us of the fullness of Christ and what He wants for us. Our vision becomes clouded. 

Own any wrongdoing
In difficult situations, we allow ourselves at times to feel ‘more wronged’ than the other person. But truthfully, it’s our responsibility to own our own part of the wrongdoing. 

I’m only responsible for my own obedience to the Spirit’s moving. I can only follow the current of conviction that the Lord places within me and trust Him to work in accordance to His will. 

Set ‘what if’ thoughts free. 
What if they don’t accept my apology? What if my words aren’t well received? What if I fail? What if…

On any given day, I could ‘what if’ myself right on into a frazzle if left to my own devices. 

That’s the beauty of how deep the Father’s love is for us. He doesn’t leave us to our own devices. 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts![a]And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting![b]” Psalm 139: 23-24 (ESV)

The current of conviction comes from Him bringing to light areas we need to adjust. We trust Him to lead us to the best first step. The way everlasting. 

Trust Him. Submit to what He reveals. Those imperatives look so simple. But in reality, it requires a great deal of courage. 

Whatever our current of conviction may be today, may we have the courage to follow His lead.