Blog Posts

Shifting Shadows

The Meeting of the Waters is a phenomenon of particular interest to me. For miles, the Hershey-colored waters of the Rio Negro and the Pecan Sandies- colored Amazon River flow side by side before converging. Different water temperatures and composition of materials put the waters at odds. Fingers of waters jut into each other like shifting shadows for miles as each side jockeys for position within the banks.

My heart feels much like this of late. Like Peter Pan chasing his shadow. Just when he thinks he’s got it, it darts from one place to another. Shifting shadows. Until he finally gets a stronghold on it. I want my mind to focus on what is good and true, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8), but in the same breath worry and doubt, fear and anxiety threaten my peace.

Virus updates.

Shadow shift.

Work changes .

Shadow shift.


Shadow shift.

Social distancing.

Shadow shift.

Chasing shadows is exhausting.

There‘s only One Whose shadow is worth chasing. And none of the current state of our nation is taking Him by surprise.

Our God is unchanging. He is the same through the ages. From the moment He spoke Creation to existence, to the Garden, to this very second. I am reminded in James that regardless of shifting shadows surrounding me, His never shifts.

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or [a]shifting shadow.” James 1:17 (NASB)

Our Father doesn’t slumber. His vision is eternal. While I am tempted to focus on the here and now, His vision supersedes all. Psalm 121:3-4 (ESV) reminds me that, “He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” We can call upon our Helper in the middle of our chaos.

We may feel shaky. Unsure. Shifty.

But we can trust that Emmanuel, God with us, is none of those things. When we dwell within the shadows of the Most High King, we find the protection of His feathers surrounding us (Psalm 91:4).

I don’t know where you find yourself today. Whether you feel shadowy or secure, I pray that your Savior speaks to your heart in a special way. That you feel known by Him. And I pray that His peace envelopes you in the midst of any shifting shadows.


  • Melissa Pearce

    Angela..I sit here reading your stories and it has brought me to tears. What you say and the way you say it is so profound and so very inspirational.. you truly have a gift from the Lord..I truly enjoy and look forward to each new post. May God bless you and your family my sweet dear friend..