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Dr. Pepper, Unicorns, and Wisdom

Rewind three years to early July. My sister picked me up before dawn to make a little day trip. A typical sister trip might entail antiquing, finding off the beaten path bargains, or the hunt for a favorite new lunch spot. We were headed to the cemetery. Our father’s battle with brain cancer was in the final stages, and we had been given specific instructions on how the monument at the graveside was to be set. While funeral arrangements may seem like taboo table discussion, over the course of the journey, we had the blessing of time to discuss exactly what he wanted.

We pulled into the cemetery in Valera, Texas, just as the sun peeked over the hill to welcome the morning. With some time to spare, we decided we could both use an extra measure of caffeine. If you’ve been to Valera, Texas, you know that the only viable landmark is Big O’s BBQ. At this hour of the day, I don’t even think the pits were awake, but low and behold, a coke machine sat on the edge of the building. I didn’t have high hopes of a product actually coming out of this antiquated machine, but my sister insisted on trying it. What came out of that machine was total hilarity. It wasn’t just any Dr. Pepper can, it was a Dr. Pepper can with a giant, white unicorn on it.

To the carefree onlooker, this may seem like a minute detail. But prior to this, we had a family discussion over the validity of unicorns and discovered the reference in Job 39:9 (KJV), “Will the unicorn be willing to serve you, or abide by your crib?” when the Lord humbles Job to see His great power and wisdom in all things.

There in the Big O’s parking lot, wisdom was imparted to me by way of a can of Dr. Pepper.

Don’t discount what God can do in and through you. He can make old things new. Redeem them. Restore them. Use them. You may feel like you can’t take another step forward. Like you’re standing in quicksand with no resolve in sight.

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

Do you perceive it? A new thing. A streams in the wasteland type of thing. Not a trouble free kind of thing. We still had to go back to the cemetery and honor the duty of the day, and two short weeks later return to that graveside to lay our father’s earthly body to rest.

This wisdom is a God thing. When you’re humble. Pliable. Repentant. At the end of yourself. In a nothing good can possibly come out of this type of situation, I choose to remember the unicorn.

Look for Him today. You might be surprised where you find Him.



    I had no idea unicorns were even mentioned in God’s Word. And I have never seen one on a can of soda. He amazes me every day if I will just open my eyes to see Him. Thank you Angela for sharing that treasured story.

  • Nan Barber

    Such a beautiful way to honor your father & Father – passing on God’s simple but wise message to us I am so glad Jennifer shared your site
    W/ us. Allowed me to pause & worship Him!

  • Belinda DeLaughter

    I love this story every time I hear it! I really enjoy your writing, you are such a blessing. Love you!