Cast Your Net to the Other Side
It was just a Friday night in October. But this was no ordinary night for me. My favorite night of the entire year. The first cold front pushed through with cloaking crisp air meriting the first fire. I watched entranced as glowing amber coals glistened on the grates and the crackling oak emitted plumes slowly spiraling up the chimney.
Lately, I’ve become a bit of a slave to a checklist. This enslavement can breed legalistic and exhausted living. Like an internal game of cat and mouse, constantly on the strife, teetering on the edge of burnout, but copiously covering with outward smiles pushing forward to the next check mark.
What am I doing? reflectively floated through my mind as I watched the flickering flames. Where’s my focus? My drive? My heart’s affection? Am I living in distraction? Am I chasing what matters? Will the earth spin off its axis if I left ungraded papers for Monday, dishes stay in the sink overnight, and we have to get creative with our wardrobe because our laundry baskets are Everest?
I felt an invitation nudge me. Cast your net to the other side.
“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus.
He called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”
“No,” they answered.
He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.”
John 21:4-6 (NIV)
Peter had quite a backstory leading to this moment. A threefold denial of Jesus. Returning to his known profession. Uncertainty of the future. Maybe the same question flickered in his mind those thousands of years ago.
What am I doing?
But then the invitation. Cast your net to the other side.
They saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it and some bread (v.9). Peter realized it was the Lord. A full load of fish and breakfast on the beach with Jesus. I can only imagine how humbling this moment must have been to be provided for and received into fellowship after previous disgrace.
As the evening waned, my fire dimmed. Smoldering coals remained. A proverbial moment on the beach with the Lord.
What’s on the other side? His abundance. Not my list.
We can choose what definition of abundance to abide by as we engage with each 86,400 seconds presented to us on a given day. Those seconds can easily be filled with things that when more closely evaluated have little eternal value.
May our plumbline measure of success be defined by His abundance and direction when we cast our nets to the other side.
Jennifer G
I’m so touched by this today. Thank you for sharing this devo. It was much needed as I struggle through checklists each day and wonder what is truly needing to stay and what needs to be let go. A fireside breakfast with Jesus reminds me to set aside those intimate times with my Savior. He will lead if we Rest in Him.
Thank you Angela, for the reminder
Michelle Grossman
Thank you for your profound words! I needed to read this. Somedays I feel like my net has so many holes I don’t know if it will hold the fish. That’s where I have to let go and let God. Faith and trust. Thank you, Ang for continuing to share your gift of writing with us. Such a blessing. 💖
Bonnie Grossman
What an inspiration to read your blogs ! Today I feel I have many holes in my net and need to regroup ! I am thankful for you and love you so much!