Blog Posts

A Teacher’s Heart

My nerves begin to sing as the first day of school inches closer. A dear mentor who has been teaching longer than I’ve been alive once told me that if you are not nervous before the first day of school, it is time to think about a career change.

With teaching comes great responsibility. Parents are sending educators the apples of their eye to lead, guide, and direct in good faith that their children will be better for the time they’ve spent in our care.

It’s the Saturday before school starts. Despite my efforts for complete respite this morning, multiple lists of things I need to accomplish in my classroom began floating in my mind before I even got out of bed. Nervousness sings as I sip my coffee, and I’m reminiscent this morning of years past.

Many years ago, I was asked to inhabit this classroom. It was a doozie to prepare that year.

A precious woman, the campus interventionist, strolled into my room and said something like, “What is this? Oh, honey, this is not going to work.” She had the custodian in there within minutes and the most massive clean out I have ever been a part of ensued. She pushed her schedule for interventions so that she could mentor me the first week to make sure I took flight and didn’t flounder. I’ve never forgotten Mrs. Walker. Over the years, I’ve had the opportunity to do what she did for me for fellow teachers. Those have been true opportunities to participate with God in the truth of bearing each other’s burdens and championing one another to success (Galatians 6:2).

I didn’t have mountains of boxes to clean out this year in order to prepare my classroom for learning. Something much smaller, a microscopic contender’s presence, looms in the shape of question marks among our campuses and classrooms.

Going back to school this year is like no other year. Ever. I could spend much time, and in truth have, pondering a myriad of questions the answers to which are known by only One. I’m turning it over to Him… the One who knows.

Father God, You alone are all-knowing. I humbly approach Your throne proclaiming You sovereign. I ask for Your forgiveness in my doubt and anxiousness surrounding my fears. Please examine my heart. Please breathe over all the crevices of my heart that need more of Your presence. Father, I submit my classroom to You and all my question marks. Please protect, guard and shield my thoughts. Dispatch angel armies to protect our schools and our children. Give me Your strength to boldly walk into this school year knowing that Your presence goes before me. Grant me wisdom and discernment in my decision making. Thank You for Your goodness, Lord. Increase my trust in You. Hold my hand in the coming days. I am clinging to You.

Today is the third day of school. Although we are adjusting to new normals in the classroom, His faithfulness endures. I feel His presence all around me! He is with us and for us right now…

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 (NIV)


  • Nan Barber

    Beautifully written from the heart – a good reminder to all of us – have a blessed & protected school year!

  • Michele

    What a beautiful, heartfelt blog! I appreciate your honest assessment of your fears and your unswerving trust in God. Thank you for penning your thoughts for our encouragement!

  • Jackie Gillis

    Oh Angela, your message so warned my heart and reminded me that I’m ALL things we need to give it ALL over to HiM , the only one for sure who knows the answers to the questions.

    I pray you and your students have a truly blessed school year!


  • Mom Grossman

    God will see you thru! You are a blessing and will be a blessing to teach the children in your care!

  • Jill

    Know I will pry for you each time you cross
    My mind the next few weeks! Thank you for loving kids and loving education! ❤️

  • Robyn Bright

    Love reading your creations! God has given you a talent and you are using it wisely ❤️
    Psalm 62:8